On March 30, we celebrated the winners of the 2022 Landscape Alberta Landscape Awards in Banff. Each year, we see beautiful, well-designed landscapes that truly showcase the best this industry has to offer. This year, stemming from 26 entries, there were 15 winners in the Merit category and 6 winners in the Excellence category.

We congratulate 2022 winners: Alpha Better Landscaping Inc., Delta Valley Landscaping Services Ltd., Jenron Creative Landscapes, JVR Landscape (2006) Inc., MaisonScapes, OnGrowing Works Ltd., Planta Landscape Inc., Salisbury Landscaping, Seasonal Impact Contracting Ltd., Terra Landscaping Ltd.

We would like to thank this year’s volunteer judges for taking their assignment seriously and giving so generously of their time and expertise: Andrew MacDonald, Lucas Steeves, Jeff Wilson, Chris Chetcuti, Bill Hardy, Christian Houle, Nathan Gill, Andrew Heighton, Mark Janzen and Wade McArthur.

National Award of Landscape Excellence Nominees
The National Awards of Landscape Excellence (NALE) recognize Canadian companies that have actively participated in significantly raising the level of professionalism in the landscape industry. Each province nominates members from the provincial awards of excellence competition that are then entered into the national awards.

This years nominees are:

Terra Landscaping Inc. – Schiffner Residence
Alpha Better Landscaping Inc. – 4th avenue Flyover Park & Livingston Hub
Delta Valley Landscaping Services Ltd. – Devon Paragon Ballpark
Planta Landscape Inc. – Britannia Ridge Residence
Good luck to this year’s nominees! See the award winning projects by clicking here.

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